Occasional Equilibrium

Occasional equilibrium» is an autobiographical project which allows us to follow the photographer through her journey around the globe, from Moscow to other cities around the world. Rented apartments, hotel rooms, new encounters and partings consistently mold the path of the author. The subjects in the photographs also denote being in a permanent transit zone, eternal limbo. Immigrants. The author finds herself, like those around her, isolated and lost.

When a person moves from their country and step into the land of another to look for a home, they are in a liminal, anxious state. Unable to control their surroundings, what happens to them, how they react or interpret them. This is an infinitely stretched process of transformation, a transition from one status to another. Liminality doesn't often lead to change, it only fills transitional moments. It creates a space which is later filled with that person's fears and uncertainty.

Often times when we believe we are closer to a more calm and habitual point in time, it seems never to fully arrive. Although a bit of balance may be found, there are still new moves ahead, changing apartments, which means the path continues.